This is the 7 foods to Your eye health tucik23 version

This is the 7 foods to Your eye health tucik23 version
Healthy eyes is everyone's goal. The terms of the healthy eye that is able to watchobjects near or far with very clear. But a few things can cause health disorders on the organ of the eye itself is sort of reading a book while you sleep, too long staring at the computer screen and even read the book with an explanation of the potluck. From now on, to avoid all these habits. Some foods can help fullfill needs the nutrients in need by the eye to maintain eye health. Then, what are the foods that can nourish the eyes organ ...???

A friend, tricks. We are obliged to preserve the health of the organs of the eye without mengkesampingkan other organs. This is because, all activity would work ordisheveled when occurs the question on the organ of observation. Then from that, keep your eye health should be a priority that must be our treasure. The following 7 foods that can nourish your eyes

1.Carrot. This fruit is one of the fruits that are closely related to eye health. This is because, carrots contain beta carotene, vitamin A sufficient nutrients needed by organs of your eyes.
2.The spinach. A variety of vegetables especially spinach green creature is a type of food which is cool for eye health. This is because the vegetable green creature, is the source of lutein and zeaxathin useful prevent degenarasi degeneration and cataract in the eye.
3.Egg. Love to eat the eggs ...???. Egg yolk in fact have lutein and zeaxathin contentwhich is beneficial for preventing macular degeneration aka decrease power looksomeone in the eyes organ.
4.Fruits. Fruit is the source of vitamin C is a kind of citrus fruit. Because the content of vitamin C in fruit can prevent someone from macular degeneration and even cataracts.
5.A variety of marine fish. The marine fish in intent i.e. salmon and sardines. This is because the fish is rich, the second was about the content of omega 3 fatty acids are highly in need to nourish the eye so that the organs are still healthy.
6.Broccoli. The content of vitamin C in a broccoli nutrition memberbagi very in needby the organ of vision. So that could be useful for optimal power saw someone better and certainly more obvious.
7.Sweet potato. This is one food that is a source of vitamin C and beta carotene. The second substance content of sweet potatoes were very good for the health of the organs of your observations.

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