Review of Finland the country with the world's best education system

review of Finland the country with the world's best education system
 If we see on the news, many who preach that the children Indonesia always Excel inOlympic education, such as the Mathematical Olympiad, Physics Olympiad and the like. This shows that the Indonesian children no less smart display with other kids in the world.

But the question arises, why our technological developments running slow? Manyanswers to that question one is a less good education system, although the progress of our education system went pretty smoothly, the possibility of the resurrection of our industry will last 25-50 years to come.

Unlike Finland, School always ranks high in the world in the education world, although pupils in the European countries undergo hours of learning the shortest among developed countries.

Last year, as many as 100 foreign Government delegation and paid a visit to the capital of Finland, Helsinkiwith the hope of learning from the success of secret schools in the country.

In 2006, Finland school students recorded the highest average achievements in the field of science and reading in the ranks of developed countries.

To the OECD standard, exam for students 15 years of age group, PISA, they also ranked second in math. They are behind students in South Korea.

Finland uses a philosophy of education that States everyone has something to donate and those who experienced difficulties in certain subjects should not be abandoned.

A tactics being applied in almost every student's eyes is the deployment of auxiliary teachers assigned to help students who are having difficulties in certain subjects.However, students are placed in the same classroom, regardless of their abilities in the lesson.

Minister of education Henna Virkkunen, Finland, proud of his country's achievement, but these goals he wants to achieve is menyasar the brightest students.

According to the OECD, children in Finland has studied shortest in the ranks of developed countries. This is another important mencerminkansisi for the education ofFinland.

The primary and secondary levels of schooling are merged, so that the pupils do not have to change schools at the age of 13. In this way, they avoid the transitionalperiod could interfere with from one school to another school.

Teacher Marjaana Arovaara Heikkinen-sure retain the same pupils for several years also facilitate its task.

"I like growing with children of my own. I see the problems they face when they are small. And now, after five years, I still see and understand the development happening in their youth, the best they could do. I told them I like the mother of their schools, "he said.

Children in Finland was only beginning to undergo primary school at the age of seven years. The idea that before that they learn most effectively when playing and by they eventually attend school they are also eager to start learning.

Parent Services
Parents Finland certainly had their fair share of impressive school vanity. There is a culture of reading among children in the home and the family must hold regular contact with their child's teacher.

Teaching is a prestigious career in Finland. Teachers are highly valued and a highstandard of teaching.

The success of the educational system in Finland also seems to fit the culture. Children learn in a relaxed and informal.

Finland records the flow of immigration. So when pupils start learning in school, the majority are native speakers of the language of Finland and it set aside the obstacles often encountered by other societies.

The success of this system supported the idea that less can be more or less could be more. There is an emphasis to make school a relaxed and free from the political recipes. The combination, according to the belief of the people Finland, means that no child left behind.

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