Education is the right of every citizen who has been regulated in the legislation. Therefore, each individual should have to compete to get the best education. In fact,there are some people who choose to leave the archipelago to attend school in neighboring countries, of course with the Fund that is not a little. It is inversely proportional to the condition of education in the regions lagging behind. In the far corners of the archipelago, the successor nation even yet know the alphabet.

For inland communities, education is indeed still considered one eye. It gets worse, the Government as a regulator of any education policy be less fair on educationsystems and infrastructure are located in the corners. The stark contrast differencewe can see if comparing school facilities in major cities with outlying schools.
In public schools in Jakarta, it certainly has its own building, sports fields, laboratoriesa library with books, computers and laboratotium of teachers who have beenteaching education ".

Meanwhile, schools in remote villages sometimes does not have its own building, so should be shared, for example between elementary and junior high school, anylibrary room appears empty, there are no computers that can be used by students to open up the horizon. Teachers who teach HIGH SCHOOL graduates and most haven't obtained education pedagogy.
Meanwhile, schools in remote villages sometimes does not have its own building, so should be shared, for example between elementary and junior high school, anylibrary room appears empty, there are no computers that can be used by students to open up the horizon. Teachers who teach HIGH SCHOOL graduates and most haven't obtained education pedagogy.

The Government's seeming favoritism in menggelontorkan Education Fund. For remote areas, they are particularly feeling the injustice. Supposedly, the Government could be more wisely and can flatten the education system in the country. Do not let the gloomy face of education in remote areas continue to be preserved.

Tangible evidence of the gap of education in remote areas is JUNIOR Country Flower Satap Lala which are in the northern hemisphere East Manggarai, precisely in the village of Golo Cewo, Flower Blossom village, subdistrict Sambi Rampas-NTT. SMP Negeri Satap is located in an area that is a little far from the center of educational services and isolated because of natural topography impressed hilly and rugged. SMP Negeri Satap Kembang Lala is a new JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL located in the village of Hibiscus bloom. SMP Negeri Satap Kembang Lala has an area of approximately 2,500 m2. This school building is building SDI Kembang Lala, because both of these educational units were still under one roof.

Let's compare to other Country JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL lies in the city centre!

The face of education in the regions lagging behind are indeed still look bleak. Up to now, the Government seems not to do much in advancing education in Indonesia. The complete lack of facilities and teachers who are less professional became one of the barriers to the development of learning interest in the corners of society.

However, all of the deficiencies in educational facilities, but it is not the intention ofthe nation's children to the school bench. Proven, many students who willingly walkdozens of kilo meters to studied. Many also have to pass through the River to head to school. Appropriate, the spirit of the students in the area lags behind this is that we make the motivation. So education in Indonesia could be better still.

Hopefully, the face of education in this country can shine like the Sun for. Not onlyfor the citizens of the capital city, but also for the successor Nations of the corners of the archipelago.

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