7 healthy foods that lower your cholesterol levels

7 healthy foods that lower your cholesterol levels

The word "Cholesterol", might have been familiar in the ears of everyone. Did you know, cholesterol is one of the body fat or more commonly known by the name oflipids. As body fat, cholesterol is certainly has many functions in the body. However, if the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood is high or rising. Then it can becomea serious problem for the health of the body. The proven range of food can loweryour cholesterol levels. Then, what are these cholesterol-lowering food. ..???.

Friends, health tips. Under normal circumstances or stable, cholesterol does have some important functions in the human body. Some of the functions of cholesterolas body fat IE the constituent structure of a cell membrane, protecting the skin from toxins and the problem of drought, the formation of vitamin D (with UV rays) as well as to form bile acids in the gut. However, the increase in the levels of bad cholesterol in the body can cause a variety of health disorders such as erectile disorders, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease ...Health tips, here are 7 foods that lower levels of bad cholesterol in your body:
Tomato. Although classified into fruits, consuming the tomato turns can help lowerbad cholesterol levels in the body. You can make a delicious tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice every day.
Pomegranate. Small red round fruit that turns out to be also good to lower cholesterol levels in the body especially the function of reducing the buildup of cholesterol plaque as well as being able to increase the production of nitric oxide can help in reducing plaque in the arteries.
Avocado. Fruit with rounded oval appearance and the Green Lake is one of the fruits that can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is because, there are two types of cholesterol in our body that is bad cholesterol (Low density lipoprotein-) and good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein).
Wine. The grapes turns to very good to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. With regular drinking two glasses of grape juice every day can maintaingood cholesterol levels in your body.
Garlic. Although classified as a spice or one of the ingredients for all housewives.Garlic is also very effective help menurnkan bad cholesterol levels in the body. Tryto consume one garlic clove per day to lower levels of bad cholesterol in your body (you too can mixing into various types of cuisine you).
A variety of processed soy (tofu and tempe). Both types of food are also very good for lowering levels of bad cholesterol in your body. Other benefits that can be gained, namely there is a source of protein in both types of food.
Nuts. nuts is like peanuts, walnuts, almonds and edamame. The content of omega 3 fats and antioxidants in nuts good for lowering levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

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