the 10 main causes of Difficult women Pregnant

Many causes of infertility cannot be controlled like polycystic ovary disease genetics, syndrom and endometriosis and age over 35 years.

However, when trying to get pregnant, there is a lifestyle that can be altered to increase the chance of getting pregnant or at least prevent infertility so that it cannotget worse.
the 10 main causes of Difficult women Pregnant

1. Too tired to work

A new study in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found women who lift heavy loads in the workplace may be hard to get pregnant.

Harvard researcher T.H. Chan School of Public Health examined the nearly 500 women who seek fertility therapies and found those with heavy physical work have 8.8 per cent fewer eggs.

Meanwhile 14.1 percent less ripe eggs than women who reported never move heavy objects at work.

Work outside of 9 am to 5 pm any affect fertility. Researchers speculate it has something to do with circadian rhythm disorders.

"If you work the night shift or require heavy labor, while pregnant wants to consider to prioritize sleep, nutrition and exercise," said Dr. Diana Bitner, obstetrician at Spectrum Health Medical Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

2. Body mass index too large

Relationship between overweight infertility problems have long known but new research from the National Institutes of Health shows, men's weight is as important as a woman's.

A study published this month in the journal Human Reproduction found couples who are both obese experienced 59 percent longer to get a pregnancy, comparedwith couples berberat healthy bodies.

"Even if you can successfully lose weight 2 kg, it will increase the kesemaptan to get pregnant in the next six months," said Dr. Bitner.

3. Too Stressful

Many people say pregnant women need to be relaxed, because stress is not good for the baby. But it turns out that stress also is not good for who was trying to have children.

A study of 2014 in the journal Human Reproduction investigated 400 couples for 12 months and find women who are alpha amylase levels, a stress biomarkers, twice the risk of experiencing infertility compared who have the lowest levels.

The researchers noted that they do not know for sure why the stress affect fertility,but they suggest if you want to get pregnant, the practice of yoga and meditationmay help overcome stress.

"Stress does exist. It's a matter of how we deal with it, "said Dr. Bitner. Face the State of stress and try to deal with it properly.

4. Practicing too hard in the gym

Sport is good for health. But try to follow the sports medium intensity when it was trying to get pregnant.

A study of 2012 menemuka, n for normal body berberat women who undergo hard sports five hours a week it took longer for them to get pregnant. Sports are, on the other hand, increase fertility.

Researchers tell sport extra heavy impact on ovulation. If it is difficult to conceive,stop exercising.

5. Too many watch TV

Lack of exercise, characterized by too long sits watching TV can degrade the quality of the cement.

In a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine mention men who watch more than 20 hours of TV per week have a sperm concentration of 44 percent lower compared with that does not watch TV.

While the man who sports more than 15 hours a week had a 73 percent higher sperm concentration.

6. Eat a lot of meat preservation

A growing number of eating processed red meat (like hot dogs, burgers, baconsalami), the fewer sperm counts and sperm swim towards the more lambatkemampuan ovum. So the discovery in the journal Epidemiology in 2014.

Researchers can't say for sure what causes sperm so rarely and swim slowly. Perhaps saturated fats from meat processed it causes.

For that to change with eating grilled chicken. Men who eat meat poultry have sperm more successful fertilize egg.

7. Accounting for mobile phones

A meta analysis of 2014 found, exposure to mobile phones associated with spermis weaker. Possible radio frequency electromagnetic radiation that damage DNA and damage the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg.

The mobile phone allegedly heat the testes when kept in the pocket of the pants. This hinders the production of sperm.

8. Too often having sex

"Try having sex in the days around ovulation day," the advice Dr. Bitner. Too oftenhaving sex can lower sperm count.

You can also turn to the application on your phone or use the ovulation in the pharmacy. In fact there are physical signs of a woman's body that can be recognizedwhen subjected to ovulation. When that passion sex rises, the blood vessels in the breast look more blue and out mucus in the vagina more

9. Less sex

You need to have sex in order to get pregnant. It's also important to link across the cycle not just in time will most likely pregnant. Sex sends a signal to the body of the woman that the time had come.

Immune system of the body is then changed from simply combating disease be prepared to conceive, so said the study published in Fertility and Sterility.

10. Smoke

Smoking causes infertility cases 13 percent overall, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.

Smoking makes the aging ovaries and eggs on the supply of spent women's body.In the body of the man, smoking lowers the amount of sperm count.

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