This turned out to be Sugar Develops cancer cells

Any news recently that links between cancer of the gallbladder with a fizzy drink consumption are sweet. You might not be too surprised by that news.

The obsession some people to sugar is already associated with some chronic diseases in the last few years, belongs to several types of cancer.
This turned out to be Sugar Develops cancer cells

Is it true that sugar increases a person's risk of cancer? This is the simpelan of some of the last research and explanation of Carrie Sertaiel-MacDougall, PhD, an expert on nutrition epidemiology at the University of Texas ' M.d. Anderson Cancer Center.

Scientists have long examined the relationship between sugar with several types of cancer. Some of these affect the organs are directly involved in the metabolism ofsugar (a kind of liver and pancreas), while the rest did not.

A study in Sweden published recently found that people who drank two servings aka more soda and sugary drinks per day had a higher risk of developing cancer of the gallbladder and bile ducts, compared with those who rarely drank aka no soda and sugary drinks.

There is also research that is published in March, which was written by Sertaiel-MacDougall, mentions that people who are accustomed to eating high Glycemic Foods berindeks aka simple carbohydrates a kind of white bread, potatoeswhite rice,and more likely to obtain lung cancer than those who ate little food high Glycemicberindeks.

This study does not focus directly on candy, sugar table (sugar) as well as desserts. But these foods fall into the category of high Glycemic berindeks.

Another study from M.d. Anderson Cancer Center, suggests that there is a relationship between a diet high in sugar with breast cancer.

When the researchers divided rats into four groups and give them all the same not diet, researchers found that mice fed sucrose fructose not a few more aliases (both are types of simple sugars), higher risk of breast cancer and tumor.

In fact, the faster the tumor spreads to the lungs than mice who gain most of the karbohidratnya of foods containing starch.

How sugar can trigger cancer?

We sort of know, sugar is fuel to cancer cells. In fact, actually sugar is fuel to all the cells in the body.

Sugar is a type of simple carbohydrates. When you mengonsumsinya, the pancreas produces insulin, sebuahhormon who helped transform the sugar into energy for Your cells.

Consuming too little sugar, no can cause the body to become resistant to insulin.Not only that, the body also would yield more not a few hormones IGF (insulin-likegrowth factor).

"This IGF which seems to stimulate growth and inhibits cancer cell death," said Sertaiel-MacDougall.

A high-sugar diet also contributes to inflammation throughout the body, which cancause damage to cells as well as cancer and tumor growth. We also know the sugar can cause weight gain.

Expert Advice

"When you eat foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates high aka low in fiber, You would experience a spike in insulin and the body were to save more not less energy as fat," said Sertaiel-MacDougall.

"We know that obesity is an absolute cause of cancer. Therefore, no risk of cancerlebihi You to manage weight and limit your intake of sugar. "

Not all sugars and starches are less good. In fact, we still need them to be able toberkegunaaan as a healthy human being. The selection of the type of sugar as wellas a portion of the match is the key.

Foods with natural sugars (a kind of fruit and dairy products) as well as complex carbohydrates (whole grains and beans), would provide calories, vitamins, mineralsand nutrients to the body. While the fibers, berkegunaaan to help you feel better faster and longer full.

"Some people are living the low-carb diet with very tight. We do not know how this manjurnya in preventing cancer, "said Sertaiel-MacDougall.

Most importantly, according to Sertaiel-MacDougall, is finding a pattern of healthy eating that are appropriate for you and apply it in the long run.

Daniel MacDougall-meningkatkankan, "when you are very like to lower the risk of cancer, you need take diverse approaches," he said.

"The consumption of foods containing high value nutrition, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid empty-calorie food."

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