Sea fish
Almonds contain vitamin B2, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc, which overall will make your heart healthier. Consume as many almonds 1/4 cup a day is far more healthy than eating a bag of snack chips greasy. Almonds can be combined with oatmeal for breakfast.
Vegetables that start this popular rich content of folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin D, which will prevent inflammation of the heart. Asparagus is also low in calories, which can be processed by boiling and then given a little extra olive oil.
Red bean
Nuts generally contain vegetable protein, B vitamins, iron, and calcium. Add 15 g of nuts into Your vegetable dishes will help fight bad cholesterol for the sake of the health of your heart. You can make the soup beans mixed with tomatoes, carrots, celery and a little pepper.
Almost any kind of fresh fruit is good for Your heart health, but blueberries are the best fruit choices. Blueberry blue and purple are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and low in calories, so it is very good for the health of your heart.
Broccoli is a vegetable that fills the top list of the best vegetables in the world. Broccoli contains B vitamins and folic acid, which is beneficial to help reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, there are still many other nutrients are also good for the health of your heart if cooked in the right way. Best if cooked broccoli with steamed or boiled way in the not too long.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is a type of chocolate products with levels of approximately 75% cocoa, which can reduce stress and good for the heart. Research conducted at the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, suggests that consuming 6 ounces of dark chocolate a day can lower bad cholesterol levels.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, water spinach, and lettuce are the foods that contain lots of iron, vitamin C, which is good for the health of bones, teeth and hair. It also contains vitamin A and magnesium that can maintain a good mood. All good nutrition for health also will surely be good for your heart. Do not cook vegetables too long, because you could lose a lot of nutrients in it.
Meat Without Fat
The meat is generally not a good choice for maintaining heart health. But you can still enjoy the beef with no fat. Meats contain iron, zinc, vitamin B as a whole can create a feeling of calm. 4 or 6 ounces of meat without fat remain healthy for your heart,/ and is best served in the form of steaks.
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